Department of Psychology


Participation of SCOPE and IKM Members in the "LWMathon - Enhancing Research Productivity"

On March 4 and 5, the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) organized a hackathon titled “Enhancing Research Productivity”. The event featured informative lectures on utilizing AI in the research process. Participants had the opportunity to work in small groups to develop ideas and tools  aimed at common difficulties and accelerating processes within the research cycle.

Our colleague, Olga Zagovora, along with her group members Salma Wafa and Lars Krupp, convinced the jury and emerged as the winners of the hackathon! Their newly developed tool automates literature and data research using ChatGPT by summarizing relevant studies and providing linked data sets and GitHub links.

The IKM team congratulates Olga, Salma and Lars on their first place!

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